Monday 10 October 2016

OSAAT Uganda Visit Day Two!

A very nice day with a friend Adam who came to enjoy the beauty of nature in this rare Jewel in the crown of Entebbe. It was Independence Day and I had hoped to be dancing somewhere. Instead we watched monkeys supporting their tiny baby to navigate through the trees, listened to the bird song, watched geese settling in trees for the night, investigated the garden of food growing to supply the hotel,  read some Angel cards, eat a hearty supper.  Now as I lie in bed a storm is raging. My house has no door, as security is the water ponds which surround me. Feels a bit Alkatraz. Curtains are blowing, rain is beating on the roof and the whole room is lit  periodically by lightening accompanied by thunderous applause from the Gods. I am being treated to the best nature has to offer.  Just a minute there is a negative, just had a mosquito buzz by inside my net.  Must go this is a serious operation. A murder is about to take place.

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